A visit to the alpine lake Mainitz is a cherished dream of any man. You’ve probably seen fishing in Chukotka in winter only on video. Now you will become a participant of this type of vacation for real men. Since the middle of March, the time of active fish biting begins here. This allows you to spend all day searching for trophies. In the evening, you can stay in specially equipped comfortable house.

Lake Mainitz. The name comes from the Chukchi’s Mainygytgyn — theBig Lake. Located two hundred kilometers from the district center. It is located two hundred kilometers from the district center. Squeezed by the Northern spurs of the Mainopylginsky ridge of the Koryak highlands, the lake stretches for 20 kilometers. Divided by the strait into two piles — Bolshoy and Maly Mainitz, the lake covers an area of ​​48.8 sq.km. Its maximum depth is 120 meters. The coastal slopes of picturesque mountains, densely overgrown with pine and alder forests, are the real kingdom of the brown bear. The lake is home to: Dolly Varden char, Tarantsa’s char, whitefish, common Valek, Kamchatka grayling, fine-tailed burbot, pike, slimy sculpin, river minnow, nine-spined stickleback. There are large salmon spawning grounds in the waters of the lake.

The best time for fishing is from mid-March to early May. Relatively warm weather (from -10 to -25), long daylight hours, active fish biting.

Accommodation in comfortable house of fishermen-hunters.

Fishing is carried out from under the ice. Moving from the base camp to the fishing sites is carried out by snowmobiles.

The depth at fishing points is from 5 to 20 meters.

The most interesting objects of fishing are Tarantsa’s char (up to 10 kg), two species of Dolly Varden char (up to 10 kg), and fine-tailed burbot (up to 20 kg).

There are two tour options:

Tourists independently ride the entire route (200 km) on one snowmobile, accompanied by two guides. Only if you have: experience in driving a snowmobile, physical fitness and the right to drive an off-road motor vehicle category A1! Cost – 150,000 rubles. from a participant.
Tourists are taken on a snow and swamp vehicle along the winter road to the Gas field (110 km), where they then transfer to a snowmobile sleigh and two guides take them to the base on the lake. Cost – 180,000 rubles. from a participant.