Tour is formed by request.

If you want to feel the spirit of Chukotka, to be imbued with its mood, then this route was created for you. It will be a real adventure about which many, quite likely dreamed of in their youth, and safely forgotten, growing up, crushed by the damned routine.

This route will have everything a real romantic could dream of. No roads, signs, prohibition signs, markings… Only mountains, hills, rivers, lakes and endless tundra.

Golden Mountain, Ushkaniy Ridge, Vaamchegyrgen, Erguveem, South Tadleoan…

Stunning expanses, blue mountains, reindeer, bears…

Smoke of bonfires, the rustle of tents in the wind, the taste of just caught grayling, the smell of blooming tundra…

Aching shoulders, trembling hands at the end of the day’s race, the joyful feeling of Victory at the end of the route…

Chukotka will generously throw hundreds of kilometers at us. We will see nature, which has not yet been touched by the merciless hand of civilization. We will go through places where the distance is measured not in kilometers, but in the time spent. Swampy swamps, stony rivers, exhausting hummocks, rocky tracts… We promise, it won’t be easy!

Of course, extreme driving experience, endurance and physical training of each participant are very important for such a route. But, in our opinion, patience, perseverance and mutual assistance are just as important. And of course, don’t forget about romance! Not that notorious romance with stories about the last match and ended beans and bacon, but that romance of distant travels that pushes people from their familiar cozy world into the unknown, towards new adventures!

The total length of the route is 1100 km.